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Occurrence and Production of Molybdenum
The world's largest producers of molybdenum materials are the United States, Canada, Chile, Russia, and China.
Though molybdenum is found in such minerals as wulfenite (PbMoO4) and powellite (CaMoO4), the main commercial source of molybdenum is molybdenite (MoS2). Molybdenum is mined as a principal ore, and is also recovered as a byproduct of copper and tungsten mining.
Molybdenum is the 42nd most abundant element in the universe, and the 25th most abundant element in Earth's oceans, with an average of 10.8 mt/km3. The Russian Luna 24 mission discovered a single molybdenum-bearing grain (1 x 0.6 um) in a pyroxene fragment taken from Mare Crisium on the Moon.